A., Burdine, J.N., Dillard, H., Jezierski, J., Rogers, M., Schickedanz,
A., & Wendel, M.L. (2005, December). Measuring changes in leadership in the Brazos Valley Health
Partnership, an HCAP Community. 133rd
American Public
Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
C.H., Zuniga, M.A., Gamm, L., McLeroy, K., Burdine, J.N., Dorsey, A.,
& Miller, K. (2005, December). Evaluation of the RWJF/HRSA
Integrated Health Outreach System. 133rd American Public
Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
J.N., Blakely, C.H., Dorsey, A., Felix, M.R.J., Gamm, L., McLeroy, K.R.,
Millard, M.V., Miller, K.I., Tromp, M.C., Wendel, M.L., & Zuniga, M.A.
(2005). Improving Access to Care
Through an Integrated Health Outreach System for Colonia Residents along
the Texas-Mexico Border. 133rd
American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
J.N., Schickedanz, A., Dillard, H., Rogers, M., Alaniz, A., Wendel, M.L.,
Jezierski, J., & Hasan, S. (2005, December). Improving access to care for rural
residents through the Brazos Valley Health Partnership, a Healthy
Communities Access Program.
133rd American Public Health Association Annual Meeting,
Philadelphia, PA.
H., Alaniz, A., Burdine, J.N., Hasan, S., Jezierski, J., Rogers, M.,
Schickedanz, A., & Wendel, M.L. (2005, December). Overall evaluation design of an HCAP
Community: The Brazos Valley Health Partnership. 133rd
American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
S.L., Whitelaw, N., Ory, M.G., Prohaska, T., Seymour, R.B., Pelaez, M.,
Chodzko-Zajko, C. (2005, June). Evidence-Based Physical Activity
Programming for Older Adults: Reports from the RWJF Physical Activity
Initiatives.18th Congress of
International Association of Gerontology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
A., Alaniz, A., Barstad, J., Burdine, J.N., Dillard, H., Maines, S.,
Mupier, N., Parrish, J.A., & Wendel, M.L. (2005, December). Integrated Health Outreach System
Partnership: The relationship between Hidalgo County, TX community
agencies and an academic institution. 133rd American Public Health
Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
A., Parrish, J.A., Burdine, J.N., Felix, M.R.J., & Wendel, M.L.
(2005). The Integrated health outreach system project: a collaborative
approach to improving the health status of colonia residents and migrant
workers. 14th Annual Midwest
Farmworker Stream Forum, National Center for Farmworker Health, Denver,
A., Parrish, J.A., Burdine, J.N., Wendel, M.L., & Felix, M.R.J. (2005, May). A case-management model
utilizing Promotoras in South Texas.
Health Promotion and Education at the Crossroads: New Public Health
Directions. 23rd National DHPE/CDC Conference on Health Education and
Health Promotion, Minneapolis, MN.
A., Parrish, J.A., Felix, M.R.J., Burdine, J.N., Liles, C., & Wendel, M.L.
(2005, December). Â Promotores as
facilitators of community health partnerships in isolated colonias:
Evidence from Hidalgo County, Texas.
133rd American Public Health Association Annual Meeting,
Philadelphia, PA.
B.J., Sharkey, J.R., Champagne, C.M., Staggs, C.G., Bogle, M.L.
(2005). Summing Bone Nutrients.38th Annual Conference of the Society
for Nutrition Education, Orlando, FL.
K.R., Burdine, J.N., Blakely, C., Dorsey, A., Felix, M.R.J., Gamm, L.,
Millard, A., Miller, K., Tromp, M.A., Wendel, M.L., & Zuniga, M.A.
(2005, December). Evaluating Changes
in Inter-Organizational Collaboration and Network Ties in the Integrated
Health Outreach Project. American Public Health Association Annual
Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Mier, N.,
Ory, M.G., Barron, K., Burdine, J. (2005). The Epidemiology and Socioecological Determinants of Physical
Activity among Mexican Americans.26thAnnual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Boston,
Ory, M.G.
(2005)."Healthy Aging: It's Achievable." Launch of the All-University Aging
Program. University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
Ory, M.G.
(2005, September)." What We Can
Do to Change Behaviors." First
Texas Wellness Conference on Health Empowerment: Baby Boomers and Beyond,
Austin, TX.
Ory, M.G.
(2005). Themes and Opportunities in Intervention Research."Interventions for Older People.
Sponsored by Australian Research Network in Aging Well." La Trobe University, Melbourne,
Ory, M.G.
(2005). What Translational Research Tells Us About Keeping Older Adults
Physically Active. McGraw
Lecture Series. University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.
Ory, M.G.
(2005, December). What is the
Environment and What Does it Have to Do with Aging Well? 133rd
American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Ory, M.G.
(2005, October). Interdisciplinary approaches to
Research Behaviors with Recurrent Falls in Homebound Old Adults Who
Receive Home-Delivered Meals. 3rd Annual Centex Research Retreat,
Temple, TX.
Ory, M.G.
(2005, October). Promoting Healthy
Lifestyles for Older Adults. National Blueprint Plus Five Conference.
Active Aging Partnership, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Urbana-Champaign, IL.
Ory, M.G.
(2005, September). Learning
Networks: Sharing Outcomes and Resources with the Aging Network.
Congressional Briefing Sponsored by Physical Fitness Caucus and the Senate
Select Committee on Aging, Washington, DC.
Ory, M.G.,
& Sharkey, J.R. (2005, November). Association
of Medication Self-Restriction Behaviors with Recurrent Falls in Homebound
Older Adults Who Receive Home-Delivered Meals. 58th Annual
Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Orlando, FL.
C.H., Schwingel, A., Chodzko-Zajko, C., Ory, M.G., (2005, June). Developing Innovative Approaches to
Promoting Physical Activity in Seniors. 18th Congress of International
Association of Gerontology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
J.A., Felix, M.R.J., Burdine, J.N., & Wendel, M.L. (2005, April). Strategies for creating sustainable
community-based health partnerships to improve population health status
through motivated and committed local leaders. Society for Public
Health Education Midyear Scientific Conference, Health Education and
Behavioral Medicine Working Together: A Marathon Not a Sprint, Boston,
J.A., Felix, M.R.J., Burdine, J.N., Wendel, M.L., Maines, S., &
Barstad, J. (2005, December). Using
a community based health partnership to conduct a feasibility study on
establishing/sustaining a county health department in a rural, underserved
South Texas border county. 133rd
American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
J.A., Burdine, J.N., Felix, M.R.J., Wendel, M.L., & Martinez, A. (2005,
May). "La Estrella Saludable"
Starr County Health Partnership: A rural county community-based
partnership to address and improve population health status through health
education, prevention and promotion. National Rural Health Association, 28th Annual Rural Health
Conference, New Orleans, LA.
J.D., Sharkey, J.R., Ory, M.G., & Burdine, J.N. (2005, December). Community-Based Survey of Rural Older
Adults to Determine Fruit and Vegetable Consumption. 133rd
American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
A., Burdine, J.N., Dillard, H., Alaniz, A., Jezierski, J., Rogers, M.,
& Wendel, M.L. (2005, December). Changes in organizations involved in the Brazos Valley Health
Partnership, an HCAP Community.
American Public Health Association Annual Meeting,
Philadelphia, PA.
A., Rogers, M., & Burdine, J.N. (2005, December). Providing better access to
healthcare: An affordable transportation system for rural residents. 133rd American Public Health
Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
J.R. (2005, May). Manual
Activities of Meal Preparation and Consumption Play a Significant Role in
Musculoskeletal Nutrient Intake.
3rd Annual International Academy of Nutrition and Aging (IANA)
International Conference, St. Louis, MO.
J.R. & Ory, M. G. (2005, June).
Severe Obesity and Depression Predict Perception of Increased
Diabetes Severity over 1-Year in Homebound Elders. American Diabetes Association 65th
Scientific Session, San Diego, CA.
Sharkey, J.R.
& Ory, M.G. (2005, September). Area
of Concern for Chronic Disease Self-Management in Older Adults: Persistent
Restriction of Medication Use to Reduce Cost. New Perspectives: International
Conference on Patient Self-Management, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
J.R. & Ory, M.G. (2005, June). Factors
Associated with Recurrent Falls in Homebound Older Adults Who Receive
Home-Delivered Meals. 18th World
Congress of Gerontology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
J.R. (2005, December). There really
is a food environment perspectives from rural Texas. 133rd
American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
J.R. (2005, November). Manipulative
Dexterity and Handgrip Strength are Associated with Greatest Difficulty
with Multiple Meal Preparation/Consumption Tasks in Homebound Elders.
58th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of
America, Orlando, FL.
J.R., Barron, K., & Burdine, J.N. (2005, November). Age Groupings Make a Difference in Correlates
if Moderate Intensity Physical Activity Among Brazos Valley Adults. 58th
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America,
Orlando, FL.
J.R., Challa, S., Blakely, C.H., & Phillips, C.D. (2005, November). Malnutrition in Nursing Home
Residents: Differences across
Urban-Rural Continuum in a National Sample. 58th Annual
Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Orlando, FL.
J.R., Ory, M.G., Browne, & Wang. (2005, December). Strategies Adopted by Homebound Older
Adults to Reduce or Restrict Medication Cost Persist over One Year.
133rd American Public Health Association Annual Meeting,
Philadelphia, PA.
J.A., Burdine, J.N., Wendel, M.L., & Felix, M.R.J. (2005, April). Strategies for creating sustainable
community-based health partnerships to improve population health status
through motivated and committed local. Presented at the SOPHE Midyear
Scientific Conference, Boston, MA.
M.L., Alaniz, A., Burdine, J.N., Dillard, H., Jezierski, J., Rogers, M.,
& Schickedanz, A. (2005, December). Impact of evaluation findings on planning
and policy development in the Brazos Valley Health Partnership. 133rd American Public Health
Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
S., & Dowdy, D. (2005, November).
Translating Evidence-Based Research into Sustainable Community Programs:
Increasing Physical Activity in Older Adults. Invited Symposium on
Directions for Interdisciplinary Research in Behavioral Social
Science. 58th Annual Scientific
Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Orlando, FL.
A., St. John, J.A., Felix, M.R.J., Burdine, J.N., & Wendel, M.L.
(2005, May). A case-management model utilizing promotoras in South Texas.
23rd National DHPE/CDC Conference on Health Education and Health
Promotion, Minneapolis, MN.
J.R., Belza, B., Altpeter, M. (2005, October). Making Evidence-Based Lifestyle Programs for Older Adults Ready
for Prime Time in Communities: Role of the CDC's Healthy Aging Research
Network (HAN). 3rd National Prevention Summit: Innovations in
Community Prevention, Washington, DC.
St. John,
J.A., Burdine, J.N., Wendel, M.L., & Felix, M.R.J. (2005, December). "La Estrella Saludable" Starr
County Health Partnership Diabetes Task Group: Strategies for diabetes
treatment, prevention, and education in a rural, underserved, Hispanic
community in South Texas. 133rd American Public Health
Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
St. John,
J.A., Burdine, J.N., Wendel, M.L., Felix, M.R.J., & Martinez, A. (May,
2005). "La Estrella Saludable" Starr
County Health Partnership: A rural county community-based partnership to
address and improve population health status through health education,
prevention, and promotion. 28th Annual National Rural
Health Association Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Gamm, L., Alaniz,
A., Wheaton, V., & Herstek, E. (2005, August 25). Rural Healthy People 2010-- Community Models for Needs Assessment,
Moblilization, and Sustainibility, Washington, DC.
Gamm, L.,
Parrish, J.A., Burdine, J.N., Wendel, M.L., & Others. (2005, August
24). Center for Community Health
Development, Texas A&M; HSC School of Rural Public Health Border
Conditions. ORHP-HRSA All-Programs Meeting, Washington, D.C.
J.R. (2005). DRIs and Assessment:
Setting the Standards to Eliminate Nutritional Health Disparities. Two
workshops presented at Meals on Wheels Association of America Regional
Conference, Houston, TX.
J.R. (2005). Introducing the Texas
Healthy Aging Research Network (TxHAN) Center. Semiannual meeting of
the Healthy Aging Research Network, Atlanta, GA.
J.R. (2005). Promoting Health and
Wellness through Aging Services Providers. Meals on Wheels Association
of America Annual Conference, Richmond, VA.
J.R. (2005). Applying Lessons
Learned from the Community Connections Grants to Community Wellness
Interventions for Homebound Older Adults. Annual Meeting of the Meals
on Wheels Association of America, Alexandria, VA.
K.R. (2005, September 7). Ecological Approach to Public Health
Education. Florida International University, Miami, Florida.
J.R. (2005). Nutrition Preparedness for Aging Well. 1st Texas Wellness Conference, Austin,
K.R. (Discussant) (2005, April 15). Society, Environment and Health at
the Crossroads. Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) Mid-Year
Conference, Boston, MA.
K.R. (Moderator) (2005, April 9). Methodological Approaches to
Dissemination in Health Education: Community Based Participatory Research
and Social Ecological Framework. Society for Public Health Education
(SOPHE), Health Disparities Summit on Health Disparities and Social
Inequities: Framing a Transdisciplinary Research Agenda in Health
Education, Alexandria, VA.
K.R. (2005). Ecological Approach to Public Health Education.
Florida International University, Miami, FL.
K.R. (2005, October 4).The Evolution
of Public Health. Oklahoma Public Health Leadership Institute,
Oklahoma City, OK.
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