Alaniz, A., Schickedanz, A.L., Clark, H.R., Burdine, J.N., &
Wendel, M.L. (2006, November). Measuring changes in leadership in the
Brazos Valley Health Partnership, an HCAP community. 134th American Public Health
Association Annual Meeting, Community Health Planning & Policy
Development, Boston, MA.
Bigsby, K., Plock, C., Hewitt, S., Cooper, B., and Burdine, J.N.
(2006, November). Local triennial community health
assessments: Gauging how far you have come and where you are headed. 134th American
Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
C.H., Burdine, J.N., McLeroy, K.R., Conkling, M., Wendel, M.L., &
Clark, H.R. (2006, November). Overview
of the evaluation of the Integrated Health Outreach Project in colonias in
the Lower Rio Grande Valley in South Texas. 134th American Public Health
Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
Burdine, J.N., Blakely, C.H., Felix, M.R.J., Wendel, M.L., &
McLeroy, K.R. (2006, November). Improving
access to care through an Integrated Health Outreach System for colonia residents in along the
Texas-Mexico border. 134th American Public Health
Association Annual Meeting, Community Health Planning & Policy Development,
Boston, MA.
Clark, H.R., Burdine, J.N., Wendel, M.L., Alaniz, A., &
Schickedanz, A.L. (2006, November).Overall evaluation design of
an HCAP community: The Brazos
Valley. 134th American Public Health Association Annual
Meeting, Community Health Planning & Policy Development, Boston, MA.
Conkling, M., Bolin, J.N., Prochaska, J.D., Zhan, D.,
&Burdine;, J.N. (2006, November). The
role of life stage in predicting health risks and diabetes status in a
disadvantaged Hispanic population. 134th American Public
Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
Forjouh, S.N., Reis, M.D., Ory, M.G., Couchman, G.R., &Via;, M.
(2006, November). Correlates of
specialty care referrals for adult patients with diabetes by primary care
physicians. 134th American Public Health Association Annual
Meeting, Boston, MA.
Laditka, J.N., Bryant, L., Albert, S., Altpeter, M., Anderson, L.,
Bayles, C., et al. (2006, September).Â
National Community-Based
Research to Promote and Protect Brain Health: The Healthy Aging Research
Network. CDC's 2006 National
Health Promotion Conference: Innovations in Health Promotion, New Avenues for Collaboration,
Atlanta, GA.
Laditka, J.N., Bryant, L., Altpeter, M., Sharkey, J.R., Wilcox,
S., Anderson, L., Satariano, W., and the Health Aging Research Network.
(2006, April). Promoting Brain
Health through Physical Activity: A
Project of the Healthy Aging Research Network. International Congress on Physical
Activity and Public Health, Atlanta, GA.
Liles, C., Ory, M.G., Hora,
K., & Tackett, M. (2006, November). Inter-institutional Collaboration: Lessons Learned. 134th
American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
Martinez, A., St. John, J.A., Felix, M.R.J., Burdine, J.N.,
Wendel, M.L., & Wehrly, R. (2006, November). Utilizing promotores as case-managers to improve health status and
quality of life for isolated colonia residents in Hidalgo County, Texas.
134th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting,
Community Health Planning & Policy Development, Boston, MA.
K.R. (2006, March). Individual and
Interpersonal Theories. American Association of Health Behavior Annual
Conference, Carmel, California.
Ory, M.G. (2006, December).
Evaluation Strategies for
Evidence-Based Programming. AOA
National Leadership Summit, Washington, DC.
Ory, M.G. & Seymour, R. (2006, November). Gerontological
research: Changes and stabilities over time. 134th American Public Health
Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
Ory, M.G. (2006, November).
Environmental influences on
healthy lifestyle behaviors among older adults: US and Australia case
examples. 9th International
Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Bangkok, Thailand.
Ory, M.G., Forjouh, S., Reis,
Couchman, Manson, & Hollerman. (2006). Feasibility of Incorporating PDA Use to Enhance the Self-Care Activities of
Patients with Diabetes. AHRQ's 2006 PBRN Research Conference,
Bethesda, MD.
Ory, M.G., Sharkey, J.R., Mier, N., Prochaska, J.D., Conkling, M.
& Burdine, J.N. (2006, November).
Sociodemographic and health
care characteristics of colonia residents: Exploring health risk factors
among the Hispanic baby boomer population. 134th American Public Health
Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
Prochaska, J.D., Bolin, J.N., Hora, K., and Ory, M.G. (2006,
November). Barriers to Healthcare
Providers: Participation in a Community-Based Participatory Approach to
Improving Diabetes Management and Prevention in Central Texas. 134th
American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
Prochaska, J.D., Sharkey, J.R., Ory, M.G., Burdine, J.N., Garcia,
I., & Horel, S. (2006, November). Rural food environment is significantly
associated with increased fruit and vegetable consumption among older
rural adults. 134th
American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Gerentological Health,
Boston, MA.
Prochaska, J.R. (2006, November).
Public smoking bans and
smoking rates among older adults: Does one size policy fit all ages? Gerontology Society of America, Dallas,
Schickedanz, A.L., McLeroy, K.R., Clark, H.R., Burdine, J.N.,
Wendel, M.L., & Alaniz, A. (2006, November). Changes
in organizations involved in the Brazos Valley Health Partnership, an HCAP
community. 134th
American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Community Health
Planning & Policy Development, Boston, MA.
Schickedanz, A.L., Wendel, M.L., Burdine, J.N., & Alaniz, A.
(2006, November). Providing better access to
healthcare: An affordable
transportation option for rural residents. 134th American Public Health
Association Annual Meeting, Community Health Planning & Policy
Development, Boston, MA.
Sharkey, J.R. (2006). Emerging models to meet the needs of
vulnerable seniors and caregivers.
Transitional Care Leadership Summit, Berkeley, CA.
J.R. (2006, January). Significant
Role of Severe Elder Obesity in Persistently Worst or Declining Lower
Extremity Physical Performance in Homebound Older Adults.
International Symposium: Obesity in the Elderly, Rome, Italy.
J.R., & Ory, M.G. (2006, July).
Why We Need to Consider the Food Environment When Designing Interventions
to Promote Healthy Eating in Older Adults. 19th Biennial
Meeting International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development,
Melbourne, Australia.
Sharkey, J.R., Horel, S., Wendel, M.L., & Zhu, L. (2006,
February). Food environment quality and food choice in clusters of colonias
in Hidalgo County of the Texas Rio Grande. Research Innovation and Development
Grants in Economics Conference, Washington, D.C.
J.R., Hughes, S., Sanker, S., &Goins;, R.T. (2006, March). Active Options for Aging Americans:
Creating and Using an Online Census Survey of Physical Activity Programs
for Older Adults. 2006 Joint Conference of the National Council on the
Aging and the American Society on Aging, Anaheim, CA.
J.R., McCabe-Sellers, B.J., McFarlin, C.M., Champagne, C.M., Allen, H.R.,
& Bogle, M.L. (2006, April). Does
diagnosis of osteoporosis increase musculoskeletal nutrient index scores
in older adults. Experimental Biology 2006, San Francisco, CA.
J.R., Ory, M.G., Mier, N., & Burdine, J.N. (2006, April). Challenge of Diabetes and Obesity among
Hispanic Adults in Colonias in Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV) of Texas.
2006 CDC Diabetes Translation and Obesity Conference, Denver, CO.
Sharkey, J.R., Ory, M.G., Prochaska, J.D., & Horel, S. (2006,
November). Food environment and
nutrition-related health conditions among older adults: Brazos Valley and
colonia food environment studies. 9th International Congress of
Behavioral Medicine, Bangkok, Thailand.
Sharkey, J.R., Prochaska, J.D., Horel, S., Chambers, E., &
Zhu, L. (2006, November).Relationship between the food
environment and nutritional risk among older adults in two rural Texas
counties: Using GIS and routinely collected data. 134th American
Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
J.R., Sahyoun, N., Lloyd, J., & Ullevig, S. (2006, March). Community Connections: Moving Seniors
Toward Wellness. 2006 Joint Conference of the National Council on the
Aging and the American Society on Aging, Anaheim, CA.
J.R., Sanker, S., Whitelaw, N., Goins, R.T., & Sible, C. (2006,
March). Active Options for Aging
Americans: Using the Web to Increase Accessibility to Physical Activity
Programs for Older Adults. 2006 Joint Conference of the National
Council on the Aging and the American Society on Aging, Anaheim, CA.
Shortell, S.M., Barnette, J.J., Calhoun, J.G., Hilberman, D.W.,
Ibrahim, M.A., Krag, S.S, Leatt, P., McLeroy, K.R., Miner, K.R., Moser,
J.M., Robson, M.G., Satariano, W., Finnegan, J., Porto, J., Telfair, J.,
Kyle, J., Ramiah,K., Peterson, D.J., Guendelman, S., & Goodman, R. M.
(2006, November). Preparing MPH
graduates for practice in the 21st century. Moving to competency-based MPH
curricula. 134th American Public Health Association Annual
Meeting, MA.
St. John, J.A., Felix, M.R.J., Burdine, J.N., & Wendel, M.L.
(2006, November). Using a community
health partnership to influence policy makers to establish/sustain a
county health department in a rural, underserved South Texas border
county. 134th American Public Health Association Annual
Meeting, Community Health Planning & Policy Development, Boston, MA.
St. John, J.A., Martinez, A., Felix, M.R.J., Burdine, J.N., &
Wendel, M.L. (2006, November). Strategies
in transitioning the Integrated Health Outreach Systems Project (IHOS) in
South Texas from being a provider based partnership to two community based
health partnerships located in colonias.
134th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting,
Community Health Planning & Policy Development, Boston, MA.
St. John,
J.A., Martinez, A., Felix, M.R.J., Burdine, J.N., & Wendel, M.L. (2006,
May). A Case-management Model
Utilizing Promotores in South Texas. 29th Annual National
Rural Health Conference, Reno, NV.
Wendel, M.L., Alaniz, A., Schickedanz, A.L., Clark, H.R., &
Burdine, J.N. (2006, November). Impact
of evaluation findings on planning and policy development in the Brazos
Valley Health Partnership. 134th American Public Health
Association Annual Meeting g, Community Health Planning & Policy
Development, Boston, MA.
Wendel, M.L., Clark, H.R., Alaniz, A., & Burdine, J.N. (2006,
November). Equitable partnerships:
communities and campuses together for change. 134th
American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Community Health
Planning & Policy Development, Boston, MA.
M., Conkling, M., Blakely, C., & Burdine, J.N. (2006, November). Linking primary health care services with
promotora referrals in isolated settlements in the Texas-Mexico border. 134th
American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Community Health Planning
& Policy Development, Boston, MA.
J.R., Laditka, J.N., Bryant, L., Altpeter, M., Wilcox, S., Anderson, L.,
Satariano, W., Wu, B., LoGerfo, J., & the Healthy Aging Research
Network. (2006, April). Promoting
Brain Health through Physical Activity:
A Project of the Healthy Aging Research Network. International
Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health, Atlanta, GA.
J.R., Prochaska, J.D., Horel, S., Creel, J., & Chambers, E. (2006,
May).Evaluating the Rural Food
Environment for Accessibility, Availability, and Affordability of
Healthful Foods. National Rural Health Association, Reno, NV.
J.N., Ory, M.G., Prochaska, J.D., Conde-Dudding, E., & Hora, K. (2006,
June). CBPR, Chronic Disease and
Addressing the Baseline Health of Communities Through Existing or Readily
Available Data. Academy for Health Services Research & Health
Policy Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.
J.D., Ory, M.G., Hora, K., & Bolin, J.N. (2006, November). Barriers to Healthcare Providers'
Participation in a Community-Based Participatory Approach to Improve
Diabetes Management and Prevention in Central Texas. 133rd
American Public Health Association, Boston, MA.
McDaniel, L., Maines, S.A., Tagle, E.D., Alaniz, A., & Wendel,
M.L. (2006, November). Using a community health development
process to create sustainable local health initiatives and leadership. 133rd American Public Health
Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
Mier, N.,
Ory, M.G., Castro, & Medina. (2006, March).Physical Activity Factors and Culturally Sensitive Programs for
Mexican Americans with Type 2 Diabetes on the Texas Diabetes Border.
27th Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco,
Sharkey, J.R., & Ory, M.G. (2006, April). Aging and Health Promotion Program.
Public Health Week. School of Rural
Public Health, College Station, TX.
J.N. (2006, May). Rural versus Urban
Differences in Diabetes Disease Management Outcomes in Medicare-age
Populations. National Rural Health Association Annual Conference,
Reno, NV.
Sharkey, J.R. (2006). Nutrition Screening is Just the
Beginning. Senior Nutrition Issues: Professional Development Workshop.
A pre-session workshop to Texas Meals on Wheels Conference, San Antonio,
Sharkey, J.R. (2006). Integration of Nutritional Health into
Long-Term Community Health Strategies. Annual Training Conference of
the Meals on Wheels Association of Texas, San Antonio, TX.
Ory, M.G. (2006). Program Sustainability: Keys to Making a Program Last.
Webinar Presentation for You Can Partners, Administration on Aging.
Ory, M.G. (2006). Aging, Health and the Environment:Conceptual and Methodological Issues.
Symposium on Aging and Physical Activity: Across Geographic Regions and
Settings. Presentation at the International Congress on Physical Activity
and Public Health, Atlanta, GA.
Ory, M.G. (2006). Translating Science to Public Health
Practice: Implications for the National
Public Health Action Plan. Healthy Brain and Our Aging Population
Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Sharkey, J.R., Ory, M.G., Mier,
N., & Burdine, J.N.. (2006). Challenges
of Diabetes and Obesity Among Hispanic Adults in Colonias in the Lower Rio
Grande Valley of Texas. CDC
Diabetes Translation and Obesity Conference, Denver, CO.
Sharkey, J.R. (2006). Identifying Undernutrition. Nutrition
and Quality Health Among Older Individuals: What Should We Recommend?
Symposium sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh: School of Medicine;
The Center for Healthy Aging, a CDC Prevention Research Center; Cancer
Institute; Graduate School of Public Health; Obesity and Nutrition
Research Center; School of Nursing; and Institute on Aging, Pittsburgh,
Ory, M.G. (2006).
Aging and Health Promotion: Opportunities for Community and Clinical
Interventions. Trinity Consortium on Aging, Dublin, Ireland.
Bolin, J.N.
(2006). Rural Communities and Access
to Public Health Services. Invited Speaker, University of Houston
School of Law Summer Course in Rural Health Law, Houston, TX.
J.R. (2006). Emerging Models to Meet
the Needs of Vulnerable Seniors and Caregivers. Transitional Care
Leadership Summit co-sponsored by The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation,
The California Endowment, and UC Berkeley's Health Research for Action, Berkeley,
Ory, M.G. &
Sharkey, J.R. (2006). Why We Need to
Consider the Food Environment When Designing Interventions to Promote
Healthy Eating in Older Adults? 19th Biennial Meeting International
Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Melbourne, Australia.
Ory, M.G. (2006).
Enhancing the Application and
Sustainability of Health Promotion Programs for Older Diverse Populations.
1st Monash Research for an Aging Society Research Seminar, Monash
University. Melbourne, Australia.
Ory, M.G. (2006).
Diabetes Prevention and
Management: Implementing Clinical
and Community Interventions Using Community-Based Participatory Research
Methodologies. Monash Institute of Health Services Research, Monash
University. Melbourne, Australia.
Ory, M.G. (2006).
Promoting Physically Active
Lifestyles in Older Populations. Health States Summit for State
Legislatures: Building Healthier
Communities for our Youth and Adults, San Francisco, CA.
A., Alaniz, A., Wendel, M.L., & Burdine, J.N. (2006). Accessing care: A rural volunteer-based transportation
system. Texas Rural Health Association, College Station, TX.
Alaniz, A.,
McDaniel, L., Wendel, M.L., & Burdine, J.N. (2006). Developing sustainable rural community
resources through the mobilization of local leadership. Texas Rural
Health Association, College Station, TX.
Burdine, J.N. (2006). Findings
from the Brazos Valley Health Status Assessment. Robertson, Leon, and Madison County
Commissioners Courts and Bryan City Council, Bryan, TX.
Ory, M.G. (2006, November).Promoting
Health Aging: Environmental Factors in Translating Research to Practice. Annual Meeting of the Health Industry
Advisory Council. Center for Health Systems and Design, College Station,
Sharkey, J.R. (2006). Identifying undernutrition, nutrition
and quality health among older individuals: What should we recommend. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
St. John, J.A., Martinez, A., Felix, M.R.J., Burdine, J.N., & Wendel,
M.L. (2006). The IHOS Project: Family & Community Health Advocacy Program.
Texas 4th Annual Community Health Workers Workshop, El Paso, TX.
McLeroy, K.R. (2006).Evolution of public health. Oklahoma Public Health Leadership
Institute, Beaver's Bend, OK.
Sharkey, J.R. (2006). Integration
of nutritional health into long-term community health strategies. Annual Training Conference of the Meals
on Wheels Association of Texas, San Antonio, TX.
Davis, C., Laditka, J., Laditka, S., Corwin, S., Wilcox, S.,
Cornman, C., & the Healthy Aging Research Network (HAN). (2006,
November 16-20). Keep the Brain You
Do Have Working: Attitudes about
Brain Health in the United States. Annual Scientific Meetings of the
Gerontological Society of America, Dallas, TX.
Burdine, J.N. (2006). Brazos Valley Health Partnership: an
example of a successful collaboration.
Texas Association of Information and Referral Services, College
Station, TX.
McLeroy, K.R. (2006, March 6). Conference
in Context. American Association of Health Behavior Annual Conference,
Carmel, California.
Burdine, J.N.
& McLeroy K.R. (2006,
July 10-11). Community Health Status Assessment: Why Assessing Needs is
a Waste of Money. Texas Public Health Training Center Summer Session,
Houston, TX.Clark,
H.R. (2006, March). Trainings offered
through the CCHD. Roundtable discussion at PRC meeting, Atlanta, GA.
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