C., Deutsh, C., Heim, A. N., & McLeroy, K. (2010, April). Advancing
the science of community intervention, Chicago 2009: Report and
K. (2010, February ). Research laureate presentation on social Ecology.
Presented at American Academy of Health Behavior Annual Meeting, San
Augustine, Florida.
M. G., Smith, M. L., Hochhalter, A. K., Wernicke, M., & Ahn, S. (2010,
March). Indicators of lifetime and annual mammography screening in the
Brazos Valley. Presentation at the Annual HMO Research Network Conference,
Austin, TX.
M. G., Smith, M. L., Ahn, S., Hochhalter, A. K., Wernicke, M. M., &
Wilson, A. (2010, June). Cancer survivors dealing with late Life Issues:
findings from an evidence-based falls prevention program. Poster Presentation at the 5th Biennial
Cancer Survivorship Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Ory, M.
& Smith, M. (2010, February ). Implementation and delivery of an
evidence-based fall prevention program for older adults in Texas.
Presented at poster presentation to the American Academy of Health
Behavior.San Augustine, Florida.
M.G., Smith, M. & Hochhalter, A. K. (2010,
February). Successful implementation of an evidence based falls
prevention program. Presented at American Academy of Health Behavior
conference in Clearwater Beach, Florida.
M. G., Belza, B., Altpeter, M., & Smith, M. L. (2010, March). Using
re-AIM for the implementation of evidence-based disease prevention
programs: Showcasing a matter of balance/volunteer lay leader in Texas. Presentation
at the 2010 Annual Conference of the National Council on Aging and the
American Society on Aging, Chicago, IL.
M.L., Ory, M. G., & Parrish, R. (2010, March). Impact of falls in
Texas and a matter of balance: Evidence-based programming to promote
healthy aging. Presentation at the 2010 Annual Conference of the National
Council on Aging and the American Society on Aging, Chicago, IL.
M. L., Ory, M. G., Resnick, B., Ahn, S., & Bazzarre, T. (2010, May).
Utility of the EASY tool screening for evidence-based intervention
enrollment: Assessment of program completion and outcomes among older
adults in Texas.Presentation to the 22nd REVES Annual Conference, Havana,
P., Smith, M. L., Ory, M. G., & Thompson, W. (2010, June). The
influences of psychological distress and disability on diabetes preventive
screening practices among older Latinos. Presentation at the 2010 Critical
Research Issues in Latino Mental Health Conference, New Brunswick, NJ.
S. (2010, March).Access to nature,An affordable way to upgrade quality of life. Presented at Environments for Aging
annual conference, San Diego, CA.
D. E., Sharkey, J. R., McIntosh, W. A., Kubena, K. S., Goodson, P.(2010,
April). Predicting intention to eat breakfast among adolescent using the
theory of planned behavior, presented at Experimental Biology 2010,
Anaheim, CA.
M. L., & Ory, M. G. (2010, January). Introducing the center for
internet-based health research advancements through active exchange.
Presentated at Hawaii International Conference on Education in Honolulu,
M.L., Ory, M. G., Hochhalter, A. K., Stevens, A., & Ahn, S. (2010,
March). Factors associated with medication adherence and emergency room
visits in the Brazos Valley. Presentation at the Annual HMO Research
Network Conference in Austin, TX.
J. N., Forjuoh, S. F., Huber, J. C., Moudouni, D., Helduser, J. W., Gupta,
M., & Ory, M. (2010, April). Self-management skills and racial/ethnic
disparities in diabetes outcomes. Presentation at the CDC Diabetes Translation Conference 2010,
Kansas City, MO.
S. N., Lee, C., Wang, S., & Ory, M. G. (2010, June). Walking for
health among overweight/obese patients: Barriers and facilitators.
Presentation at the 2010 Agency for Health Research and Quality Annual
Practice Based Research Network Conference, Bethesda, MD.
S. N., Bolin, J. N., Huber, C., Helduser, J., Moudouni, D. M., & Ory,
M. G. (2010, June). Self-management and clinical outcomes in adults with
diabetes: Are there any racial/ethnic disparities? Presentation at the 2010 Agency for
Health Research and Quality Annual Practice Based Research Network
Conference, Bethesda, MD.
John, J. A., Sharkey, J. R., & Dean, W. R. (2010, May).Community and household food availability: Insights from a
community nutrition assessment conducted in two large areas of colonias
along the Texas-Mexico border. Presented at the International Society for
behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Meeting; Minneapolis,
W. R., & Sharkey, J. R. (2010, May). Exploring the contribution of pulgas (flea-markets) to the retail
food market in south Texas colonias. Presented at the International
Society for behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Meeting;
Minneapolis, MN.
J.R., Garibay, A., St. John, J.A., Dean, W.R., & Johnson, C. (2010,
May).Observation of food choice
from the perspective of mothers in Texas colonias. Presented at the
International Society for behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Annual Meeting; Minneapolis, MN.
J.R., Dean, W.R., & St. John, J.A. (2010, May) Using multiple ethnographic methods to
characterize the role of vendores
(mobile food vendors) in providing meals and snacks in areas of colonias
along the Texas-Mexico border. Presented at the International Society for
behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Meeting; Minneapolis,
J.R. (2010, June). Challenges to healthy eating in rural areas. Presented
at Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in High Risk Rural Communities
Workshop, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes
of Health, Bethesda, MD.
A.A., Sharkey, J.R.,
Jones-Smith, J., Folds, M.C.,
Samuel-Hodge, C.D., Cai, J.,
Ammerman, A.S. (2010, June).
Perceived and objective measures of the local food store environment and
the association with weight and diet among low-income women. Presented at
2010 Annual Meeting of The International Society for Behavioral Nutrition
and Physical Activity, Minneapolis, MN.
J.R. (2010, June). Promotores in Community based participatory research: Examples
from south Texas. Presented by Maria Davila and Thelma Aguillon at
Adelante Promotor Conference, San Diego Prevention Research Center &
Healthy Eating, Active Communities, San Diego, CA.
D., Ory, M., Dowdy, D., & Madsen, K. (2010, April). Improving
evidence-based practice in obesity prevention: An update on the Texas
childhood obesity prevention policy evaluation project. Presentation at the 2010 Uniting Against
Childhood Obesity Conference, Houston, TX.
M. G. (2010, April). Influencing
practice and policy through a collaborative research network: The administration on aging
evidence-based prevention initiative. Presentation to the Annual Meeting of the Society for Public Health
Education, Atlanta, GA.
J. R. (2010, April). Food access and perceptions of the community and
household food environment as correlates of fruit and vegetable intake
among rural seniors. Presented at Experimental Biology 2010, Anaheim, CA.
G., Sharkey, J. R., Dean, W. R. (2010, April). An apple a day? Factors
associated with fruit and vegetable intake among African Americans in
rural Texas. Presented at Experimental Biology 2010, Anaheim, CA.
W. R., & Sharkey, J. R. (2010, June). Alternative components of the
retail food environment: Healthy food availability in South Texas Pulga.
Presented at Joint Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of
Food and Society (ASFS), Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society
(AFHVS) and joined by the Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition
(SAFN), Bloomington, IN.
M. G. (2010, May). Evidence-based health promotion programming for
seniors: The United States experience. Presentation at the Gertner
Institute for Public Health and Policy,
Tel Aviv, Israel.
1. Smith, M.
L., & Ory, M. G. (2010, February). Implementation and delivery of an
evidence-based fall prevention program for older adults in Texas. Poster
Presentation at the 10th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Health
Behavior in Clearwater Beach, FL.
C., Perez, A., Murden, G., Fulton, T., & Ory, M. G. (2010, March). Texas
healthy lifestyles: Chronic disease self-management. Poster Presentation at the Texas Conference
on Aging, Kerrville, TX.
M. L., Ory, M. G., & Quinn, C. (2010, February). Evidence-based fall
prevention programs in Texas: A matter of balance. Presented at the Texas EMS Trauma and
Acute Care Foundation, Austin, TX.
J.R. (2010, March). Nutritional challenges faced by seniors living in
rural areas: The role of the food environment and neighborhood
characteristics. Webinar conducted for the Society for Nutrition
Education, Healthy Aging Division.
J.R. (2010, March).Measuring Environments in Rural Settings. Presented at
Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (DNPAO) at CDC State
Training, Atlanta, GA.
J.R. (2010, March). Rural Health
Strategies: Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity. Presented at
Plenary Talk at the Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity
(DNPAO) at CDC State Training, Atlanta, GA.
Sharkey, J.R. (2010, April). Healthy Food and
Healthy Aging. Presented at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Healthy
Aging Research Network Semi-Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
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