M.L. (2006). Brazos Valley Health
Status Assessment 2006- both the regional report and 7 county reports.
The report was written based on the Health Status Assessment (survey), CDGs,
and secondary data.A combined
regional report was prepared as well as 7 county specific reports.
Ory, M.G. (2006,
February).Women's Health Concerns: Focus on the Aging Baby Boomer. Report
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H.R., Wendel, M.L., Schickedanz, A.L., & West, S.(2006).Central Texas HIV Client
Needs Assessment Report.
College Station, TX:Center
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West, S.,
Clark, H.R., & Schickedanz, A.L. (2006). Brazos Valley Survey Compilation Summary. College Station, TX:
Center for Community Health Development.
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