Community Health Worker Trainings

CCHD has been involved in developing and offering community health worker (CHW) trainings since 2004. In April 2009, Julie St. John became a DSHS certified CHW instructor. In July 2010, CCHD received certified from the Texas Department of State Health Services as a certified institution to offer CEUs for Community Health Workers. CCHD STX partners with the South Texas Promotora Association and other partners to provide numerous CHW trainings. Trainings and training materials are available in Spanish and English and include: agendas, lesson plans, handouts, activities, and module evaluation forms. Trainings are provided several times a year and also upon requests.

The next CCHD training will be provided during the Border Binanational Health Week, Binational Promotora Conference. The conference will occur over two days October 7th & 8th, 2010 with CCHD providing CHW CEUs on Thursday, October 7th, 1-5pm. For more information, please see contact person below.

Community Health Worker Training Modules

The following is a list of DSHS certified CEU training modules offered by CCHD.

Training Title

Competency Areas Addressed

Clock Hours

(# CEUs)


Communication Skills


Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal Skills


Service Coordination

Service Coordination Skills


Capacity Building

Capacity-Building Skills



Advocacy Skills


Teaching Skills

Teaching Skills


Organizational Skills

Organizational Skills



Knowledge Base on Specific Health Issues


Safe Drinking Water

Knowledge Base (safe drinking water)


Solid Waste Disposal

Knowledge Base (solid waste disposal)


Additional training modules under development include:

Training Title

Competency Areas Addressed


Communication skills, interpersonal skills, teaching skills, knowledge (second-hand smoke)

Promotores as service coordinators

Interpersonal skills Communication skills

Salud Para Su Corazn (Health For Your Heart) including the manual

Note: outside training, have permission to use

Communication skills

Interpersonal skills

Knowledge (heart health)

Advocacy, teaching


Communication skills

Interpersonal skills

Knowledge (mental health)

Advocacy, teaching

Participant observation

Capacity building skills

Photo Voice and Storying

Communication skills

Interpersonal skills

Organizational skills

Household food and appliance inventory assessment

Organizational skills

Assessing Dietary Intake

Communication skills, interpersonal skills, organizational skills, knowledge (food type & portion sizes)

Identification of Healthy Foods sold in stores

Organizational skills, knowledge (food type & package sizes)

Julie Ann St. John, MA, MPH, CHWI

South Texas Regional Director, Center for Community Health Development

Texas A&M; Health Science Center School of Rural Public Health

330 W. Hudson Rd.

San Benito, TX 78586


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