CCHD Faculty and Staff Abstracts Accepted for the American Public Health Association’s Annual Meeting

Each year, the American Public Health Association (APHA) hosts an annual meeting to serve as the home for public health professionals to convene, learn, network and engage with peers. This year, the meeting will be held on November 15-19 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Several CCHD faculty and staff have contributed poster and oral presentations to the APHA and will be presenting at the annual meeting this fall. All poster and oral presentations with their respective contributing authors are listed below:

Grimes County Physical Activity and Community Engagement (PACE) Project: Increasing Access to Physical Activity in Rural Populations
Billie Castle , Whitney Garney, MPH , Monica Wendel, Dr.P.H., M.A. , Angela Alaniz, BA, Monique Ingram, MPH, Vicky Jackson, Lara Meece

Exergame Options for Physical Activity: Geocaching for Exercise and Activity Research
Whitney Garney, MPH , Monica Wendel, Dr.P.H., M.A. , Billie Castle, George Cunningham, PhD, Monique Ingram, MPH, Angela Alaniz, BA

MOST: A partnership approach for expanding mental health care
Angela Alaniz, BA , Whitney Garney, MPH , Billie Castle , Monica Wendel, DrPH, MA, Timothy Elliott, PhD, Carly McCord, PhD

Walking to School and the Social Environment
Hyung Jin Kim, PhD, Chanam Lee, PhD, MLA , Marcia Ory, PhD, MPH , and Deanna Hoelscher, PhD, RD, LD, CNS

Neighborhood safety factors associated with older adults’ health outcomes: A systematic literature review
Jaewoong Won, MS, Chanam Lee, PhD, MLA , Marcia Ory, PhD, MPH , and Samuel N. Forjuoh, DrPH, MD

Active Commuting to School: An Interplay of Child Self-efficacy, Social Influence, and Built Environment
Wenhua Lu, Elisa Lisako Jones-McKyer, Phd, MPH, Chanam Lee, PhD, MLA , Marcia Ory, PhD, MPH

Fall-related Hospitalization Incidence and Related Injuries among Older Adults in Texas
Samuel Towne, PhD, MPH, CPH, Matthew Lee Smith, PhD, MPH, CHES , Marcia Ory, PhD, MPH

Development and implementation of a culturally and linguistically-centered nutrition education program for promotora-researchers to foster community health education and outreach in Texas border colonias
Brenda Bustillos, MS, RD, LD and Joseph R. Sharkey, PhD MPH RD

Development of ICANFIT: A mobile device application to promote physical activity and access to health information among older cancer survivors
Yan Hong, PhD, Deborah Vollmer Dahlke, MPAff , Marcia Ory, PhD, MPH , Daniel Goldberg, PhD, Jessica Cargill, Debra Kellstedt, MPH, Jairus Pulczinski, Tracy Hammond, PhD, Edgar Hernandez

Rural Parenting Influences on Child Sedentary Behaviors
Myra Gabriel, MS, CHES, Corliss Oultey, PhD , E. Lisako McKyer, PhD, MPH

To be or not to be: Flexible framework or standardized curriculum for training CHWs/promotores from diverse communities-Experiences from Texas
Julie Ann St. John, MA, MPH, DrPH, Beverly MacCarty, MA, and Katharine Nimmons, MSc, MPH

Relationship between CHW characteristics and residents’ knowledge in a CHW-led cancer education intervention: Project outcomes and strategies
Katharine Nimmons, MSc, MPH , Julie Ann St. John, MA, MPH, DrPH, Chris Beaudoin, PhD, Paula Saldana, CHW, CHWI and Dinorah Martinez, CHW, CHWI

Oral Presentations:
CHWs on fire but not burnt out
Julie Ann St. John, MA, MPH, DrPH , Katharine Nimmons, MSc, MPH

Dissemination and implementation of EnhanceFitness in YMCA-affiliated sites: The early adopter experience
Basia Belza, PhD, RN, FAAN, Laura Farren, BS, Grace Kline, PhD, RN, Marlana Kohn, MPH, Chirstina Miyawaki, MSW, MA, Miruna Petrescu-Prahova, PhD , Marcia Ory, PhD, MPH , Maureen Pike, BSN, RN, MPH

Use of mini-grants to disseminate evidence-based interventions for cancer prevention and control
Marcia Ory, PhD, MPH , Debra Kellstedt, MPH, Michelle Carvalho, MPH, Daniela B. Friedman, MSc, PhD, James L. McCracken, MA, Maria E. Fernandez, PhD, Glenna Dawson, MPH, Michelle Kegler DrPH

Hands on strategies CHWs can use to prevent and reduce falls among older adults
Julie Ann St. John, MA, MPH, DrPH, Tiffany Shubert, PT, PHD , Marcia Gail Ory, PhD, MPH , Doris Howell, MPH , Cherie Rosemond, PT, PhD, GCS, Matthew Lee Smith, PhD, MPH, CHES, Chris Beaudoin, PhD, Stephanie Bomberger

Differences in proposed Safe Routes to School implementation by type of funding application
Alison Massie, MPH, Diane Dowdy, PhD, Marcia Ory, PhD, MPH , Tiffni Menendez, MPH, Deanna Hoelscher, PhD, RD, LD, CNS

Texas Grow, Eat, Grow (TGEG): A promising child obesity prevention effort
Omolola Adepoju, PhD, MPH , Marcia Ory, PhD, MPH , Judith Warren, PhD, Lijuanzi Li, Alexandra Evans, PhD

Texercise: A Multi-Component Lifestyle Enhancement Program for Older Texans
Marcia Ory, PhD, MPH , Matthew Lee Smith, PhD, MPH, CHES, Luohua Jiang, Doris Howell, MPH, Shuai Chen, MS, Alan Stevens, PhD

Community capacity dimensions influencing success of local initiatives: The importance of reflexivity
Monica L. Wendel, DrPH, Whitney Garney, MPH , Billie Castle , Angela Alaniz, BA, Monique Ingram, MPH, Kenneth McLeroy, PhD, James N. Burdine, DrPH

Using Community Health Workers to Increase Awareness about the Affordable Care Act in a Rural Community
Whitney Garney, MPH , Billie Castle, Katharine Nimmons, MSc, MPH, Alexandra Roach, BS, Angela Alaniz, BA, Monica Wendel, DrPH

Using Structural Equation Modeling to Explore Relationships between Access, Accessibility, and Health Status
Whitney Garney, MPH , Katharine Nimmons, MSc, MPH , Billie Castle, Kenneth R. McLeroy, PhD, Monica Wendel, DrPH, MA

Examining and predicting network relationships in a longitudinal study of a community health partnership
Scott Robinson, PhD, Heather Clark, MSPH , Kenneth R. McLeroy, PhD , James N. Burdine, DrPH

Active Commuting to School: An Interplay of Child Self-efficacy, Social Influence, and Built Environment
Wenhua Lu , Elisa Lisako Jones-McKyer, Ph.D., M.P.H. , Chanam Lee, PhD, MLA , Marcia Ory, PhD, MPH.

An Investigation of the Relationship Between School Take-home Assignments and Parents’ Screen Time rules for Children
Lenna Dawkins-Moultin, MS, Xuewei Chen, M.Ed., Andrea McDonald , Elisa Lisako Jones-McKyer, Ph.D., M.P.H.